August 26, 2008

  • First Day of School

    Ainsley had a wonderful first day of school.

    She just kept saying, "I'm sooooo excited!"

    I had to make her say goodbye to me.  She did not care one bit that I was leaving her.
    Ok, so I did cry a little as I said goodbye, but I didn't want her think I was sad, so I pretty much ran out of the room, dragging Lorelei behind me, only to have to come back because I failed to sign her in.  The teacher knew I was trying to make a quick exit, but stopped to hug me and say that it would be ok.   I was ok, but I cried the whole way home (which, in my defense, is a very short drive. )

    While Ainsley was away, Lorelei and I played, took a walk to the library and apparently got kisses from Wrigley.  She did miss her sister, though.  She kept saying, "Where's Ainsley?"

    The first thing Ainsley said when I picked her up was (in very loud, excited voice) "Mom, I was really good.  I LOVE school!"  Ok, no more tears from me.  We made the right choice.  The girls were so excited to see each other they couldn't wait to hold hands to walk back out to the car.

    I asked her on the way to the car if she missed me.  "No, I only missed Lamby."  Well, that will make it easier to drop her off tomorrow.

Comments (17)

  • Awww. . . that is sooo sweet!  I felt your "pain" as I read about your tears.  I felt that way the first time I dropped LM off somewhere and left.  (sniff, sniff!).  I'm glad she had such a wonderful day.  My mom recalls that when I came home from my first day of Kindergarten, I marched over to the refridgerator, opened it up and declared I could make my OWN lunch!  :)   lol

    Great photos, too!

  • I am so glad to hear things went well.  Tomorrow we go to meet Judahs teacher and on Sept 3 he will be starting school, and riding the bus in the morning.  Im not sure which one makes me more nervous.  I am encouraged by your post...Thank You!

  • Aw, I'm so glad she had such a nice time, that gives me hope for Alex. LOL Well, he'll be there all day but still.  Don't feel bad for crying, I'm sure I'm going to bawl.  I'm glad you got to have special time with Lorelei, that's really sweet.  Hope you also have another good day tomorrow :)

  • Aww, so sweet. Your pictures are precious! You have two adorably beautiful girls. I hope school continues to go so well for Ainsley, and that she always loves it! :)

  • What great news!  That last picture is so funny and cute all in one.  That look on her face  . . . and that one of them holding hands in front of the school it gave me tears.  How precious is the love of sisters!  I'm glad they are close.  I'm also glad that the first day went so well--what a great confirmation of your decision.  I can't wait to hear stories of her school days.  Is she going full days or half days?  Is she going to the same school as David Ives?

  • Haha!  I loved the Lamby comment.  Aren't those the most touching moments?!   Gabriel's full of those too. 

    Glad the drive wasn't too long - it gets hard to navigate traffic through tears. 

    Hope you all settle into the new routine soon.  It will be great if Ainsley stays as excited as she is now!  Makes it easier to get out the door in the morning.  Since coming back from vacation, Gabriel has been less than pleased about getting up early and going to "school" (at least that's what he calls it).  Hopefully he remembers how much fun it is SOON!!!

  • Oh mom, I know it was hard for you when Ainsley said she missed her lamb. I am glad you feel you made the right choice to send her to school. It is all so exciting and sad at the same time. So many mixed emotions. She looks like she had a great time! And it was nice you and Lorelie had alone time too. We will cherish the moments with our babies one on one! 

  • She looks all big and grown up, Cath.  I am thrilled that she had such a good first day.  I knew she would, she just loves new stuff.  I know it hard to see her be so big and independent, but use it as a confirmation that you are doing a good job as her mom. 

    Love, Mom

  • Oh.. survived the first day of school!! One thousand eprops for you! I am glad all went well...I knew she would love it!!! I am sure Lorelei loved being with mommy alone! 

  • YEAH, I am SO glad she had a great day!  Both of my girls were like that on their first days of preschool...excited and confindent and loved every bit of it.  I kinda prefer that I do the crying, because when you see the kiddo crying and clinging, it has to be so much worse!

    Just yesterday when Lonna came home from school, she and Eden were a whirl wind of playing and pretending.  After a summer that ends on a bit of a bickery note because of the 24-7 time spent together, it was so nice to see them excited to be with one another again after Lonna's day spent at school.

  • How sweet. So glad she had a good day.  She looks adorable. Love the little mermaid back pack. Why is it they are so much better for other people? 
        I know when Donevin gets home from school, I just want to spend time with him, and hear everything he has to say. Unfortunatly, it took him being gone all day for me to actually listen and enjoy his constant chatter   I guess school is a good thing.

  • All these milestones-they make a mommy sad, yet happy.  I'm a crier too, so, I feel for you! 

    Have a great rest of your week!  Julie

  • I cry to so don't feel bad:)  I'm glad she had a good day.   Does she go all day?   I bet her sister missed her to.   She looks so happy!

  • How Exciting!  Hopefully she will LOVE school for a long time.

  • Poor Mommy...That lamby comment...These little ones say the darndest things!  But at least as you will make things easier in the future? : )  

    Loved the beach pics too....oh the baby...she is so precious and sweet, I just love her little expressions with her cute little lips as she studies her new finds in the world.  

    Take care now!   Hugs!   ~Mrs. Amelia

  • Oh Cathi ... I've missed so much over here ... I skimmed through, but I'll be back to read more indepth! I love all your photos, and I've missed keeping up with you and the girls! They are growing like little weeds! I mean that in a good way, of course! I love Ainsley's haircut! The beach looks so fun, and the swimming video is adorable, too! I know it was hard that first day of school, but it's wonderful that she enjoyed it. Just think if she came home and said that she didn't want to go back! That has happened with my niece before! What a struggle her mom had with that! I do hope the week went well for her, and for you, and little Lorelei ... I'm sure she misses her big sister! How is Ainsley doing with missing 'lamby' since the week is past, now?! I know she missed you, too! I do hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend! We've also been busy with our little friend, Elizabeth, and her family. That's what has kept me away from visiting here on Xanga these past few weeks. I have put up a few posts, and I did send a message with an update on her as well, just last night. I'll be back very soon to catch up on your summer!

    Bless you!
    ~ Deborah <><

  • Awwwwwwwww she looks adorable on her first day of school. I cry on my kids first day of school as well, its a mom thing. How did the rest of her week go? 

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